kiskinohamakewin cultural camp

“Teach & Learn by Doing”

Ten tipis will be raised on the Parkdale School grounds. Knowledge Keepers for each tipi will host ceremonies and traditional teachings for different participants each day.


May 4 Bent Arrow Staff & Partners
May 5 Families & Community

Parkdale School
11648 – 85 St
Edmonton, Alberta

Ph: 780-481-3451
Fax: 780-474-6711

May 4

On Friday, Bent Arrow staff and CS partners will have options to participate in ceremonies and traditional teachings supporting their Practice as Ceremony with families.

8:30am-9:15am Pipe Ceremony
9:15am-10:00am Keynote Speaker
10:00am-11:30am Morning Teachings
11:30pm-1:00pm Lunch (provided)
1:15pm-4:00pm Afternoon Teachings
5:30pm-7:30 Sweat

May 5

On Saturday, general registration is open to the community to participate in ceremonies and traditional teachings supporting their Practice as Ceremony with families.

8:30am-9:30am Pipe Ceremony
10:00am-11:30pm Morning Teachings
11:30pm-1:00pm Lunch (provided)
1:15pm-4:00pm Naming Ceremony/Teachings
4:30pm-5:30 Closing Ceremony
5:30pm-7:30 Sweat

Please Acknowledge

There will be videotaping and photographs taken during the two days, while maintaining respect for ceremonial requirements.

Females are requested to wear long skirts (preferable) or bring a wrap-around that can be worn over pants in respect for ceremonial protocols.

Cloth for participants attending the sweat will be available on site at a reduced cost.

Women attending the Sweat:
  • Out of respect for women, please do not enter or approach the lodge during or for 4 days after the moon time (menses).
  • Respect to the ceremony to be clean 4 days prior and 4 days after ceremony to NOT use drugs or alcohol.
  • Questions about this protocol should be directed to oskapios (helpers) or elder conducting the sweat lodge.
  • Women are expected to wear a long skirt or gown (not see through) and a loose fitted dark t-shirt with a crew neck both in and around the outside of the lodge. Women are encouraged to bring a towel into the lodge.
  • Woman have a connection to Mother Earth and are life givers.
  • Women enter the lodge on their knees and crawl clockwise to the south of the lodge. Women sit with their legs both to one side or straight out in front with a towel or blanket covering their legs.
  • Women do not cross the alter in front of the doorway.
  • Women are not to cross the line between the fire and the lodge when the pipes are being filled.
  • Mothers who wish to bring in their infants or very small children are encouraged to ask for directions on how best to prepare themselves and their children prior to entering the lodge (for our families or your own children).
  • Pregnant women are encouraged to participate after consulting with their doctor.
Naming Ceremony Offerings:
  • Tobacco (a pack, a pouch)
  • Cloth, print of any color as each color has a significant teaching (colors are white, yellow, red, blue flowered grandmother print, pink, purple) 2 meters broad cloth
  • A braid of sweet grass, sage, cedar or fungus– 4 main medicines (is a kind gesture to the elder)
  • A blanket or gift (is a kind gesture to elder)